Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Building my Body for Life - (Updated Weekly)

Congratulations! You all are my accountability... I started a "new" diet/exercise plan about 2.5 weeks ago - it's a 12 week program called "Body For Life."

Each week, I'll update this with my progress - big time accountability, I know. Not that any of you would really hound me, but the fact that I have to publicly tell everyone...well, it will kinda take care of itself.

I'm not a big "cheater" when it comes to stuff like this; I'm usually really good when I've set my mind to something. However, I plan to do this for my 12 weeks and then maybe start another 12 week session depending on how it's going - and once I finish it once or even halfway, I start psyching myself out of how much time it's taking vs how much progress... But I'm losing body fat and building lean muscle!!!!

Ok, so here we go - Progress:
Week 01: -1.5 lbs
Week 02: -3 lbs (+ cardio levels .5 mph)
Week 03: +.5 lbs
Week 04: +/- 0 lbs (+ cardio levels .3 mph)
(The book says it is often about Week 7 before women's metabolism really kicks in and regulates [sigh] - starting to get a little discouraged)
Week 05: -1.5 lbs
Week 06: +/- 0 lbs
Week 07: - 1.0 lbs (+ cardio levels .2 mph)(pants, shirts, watch, & ring fit noticeably looser this week!)
Week 08:
+/- 0 lbs
Week 09: -0.5 lbs
Week 10: +/- 0.0 lbs
Week 11: -1.5 lbs
Week 12: +1.o lbs (-7.5 lbs total)


Kris the Girl said...

Update your blog, skinny minny!!

amber said...

Week 3 isn't finished until tomorrow! Sunday-Saturday my young pup...Sunday-Saturday. :)

Kris the Girl said...

So you aren't going to post any more blogs until your 12 weeks are up?!

amber said...

What? Who said that?