Saturday, January 26, 2008

Memories of Mammy - "Mammy Stories" and "Mammy Baths"

I had just finished my freshman year of college and moved up North to Denton, TX for the summer where I took a job working at an amazing summer camp for the handicapped. My sister Wendi was graduating high school that year, so I drove back for the graduation ceremony.

Mammy had driven herself down and located the family before we all became lost in the sea of silver bleachers at the stadium. As we were sitting there, several old friends and lots of parents/teachers we knew came along to say hello and see what I was doing in my one year away from the small town - That's when Mammy decided to put her two cents in:

Let me also preface this post by saying - Mammy makes up a lot of stories in her head and believes them. We still haven't determined whether it's better to be a "favorite grandchild" or a "not-so favorite," because the stories are pretty bad either way...

As for me, I've always been a "favorite." I think mainly because I look like my father and therefore, that side of the family, and used to "help" on the farm when I was a kid to get out of the house. So I get "good stories." For example, at Wendi's graduation, (I was 19, almost 20) Mammy told everyone that the hardest part of me leaving the area and going to college was that I couldn't just go over to Mammy's house whenever I wanted my "Mammy baths." Yes, "Mammy Baths!" She proceeded to tell everyone about how I always wanted to go over to Mammy's house for one of her baths and that I did a lot in high school after I got my driver's license....she further implied she personally bathed me! I was mortified - I recall staying at her house as a kid and taking my first shower instead of a bath when I was about 2nd grade because I was convinced she might try to drown us... It was scary trying to figure out how to work the shower, etc , and praying I didn't flood the bathroom, but I was more scared of her drowning me - that's how serious the fear was!
So this was all really funny since most everyone realized this was too outlandish to even believe. So this was a "good" story I got...because it was meant to be "special."

Separate occasion, but let me give you an example of a "not-so favorite" story. Wendi happens to be a "not-so favorite" for whatever reason my grandmother made up - I think because she looks more like my mom's side of the family... One of her stories goes a little like this: "Wendi nursed from my mother until she was 14 years old," therefore my grandmother called her "titty baby" when we were kids! Now, is this true? Most definitely not - my other little sister Jamie wouldn't share! And since she's about 2 1/2 years younger than Wendi, I am confident Wendi was weaned way before 14. And I would have been 15 when Wendi was weened - I think I'd remember that! Mammy did call her "titty baby" when Wendi was about 12 - I do remember that, but it was because Wendi wanted my mom to come pick us up from Mammy's and not stay the night - wouldn't any kid in their right mind? Besides, if she's telling people Wendi nursed until 14, you can imagine how old Wendi had to be when Mammy is telling the story - beyond the age of reason. But none-the-less, that is Wendi's "Mammy story" - and Wendi loves it (insert sarcasm here)!

I can't recall Jamie really having "a story"...but then again, she's in the middle of "the favorites" and the "not-so favorites." Mammy just gripes Jamie was too young when she got married, though Jamie was the same age my grandmother was when she got married - and she was married for over 50 years... My brothers: They just get blamed for anything she can't find in her house - "those boys must have stolen it!" Basically, their shared story is that they are thieves (which is unfounded - and I'm sure b/c they are both adopted)...then she finds it 2 minutes later... Ah memories...


~meredith~ said...

hahahahahahaha...I was randomly looking through blogs and read this. So funny! You should write a book. :)

~meredith~ said...

yes! it was just as funny. especially the presents part...used flipflops? lol