Saturday, October 18, 2008

Another Random Posting...

No one chose me either, but I'm bored and have been told I don't post often enough! So here's some random crap about me...

1. Clothes Shop

I put this off as long as possible - and only do it when I have to or am really, really bored. I'm one of those who go shopping knowing exactly what they need, find it, and then leave. Please don't make me walk around aimlessly at the mall... And when I do find what I am looking for, I will grab a small and a medium (I'm between sizes on everything) and then if there are multiple color choices in it, there's a small and medium of each color... I will not waste the time to go back to try different colors after I find the right size. So, I may be getting one thing, but I may be taking in 6 of them to try on...and then I hate all 6 of them.

2. Furniture Shop

I am very picky with furniture, but then I did work at a quality furniture store for awhile, painting and staining it all after the carpenter built it - The carpenter taught me a lot about quality... My bedroom set is an antique set that I love and was sold to be at a GREAT price from my "spiritual parents". Everything else is a hodgepodge of antiques and solid (mostly mission style) wood.

3. Sweets
I will almost always pick something filling over sweet... But if it is sweet: Hot brownies or chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream on top!

4. City

Hmmm...I grew up in a kinda small town, a suburb of Dallas/Ft Worth. I kinda like the suburb feel even still, living in two capitals: Oklahoma City, OK and Denver, CO. I have also lived in the middle of no-where (San Angelo, TX). I imagine I will eventually move to another state capital: Austin, TX; however, hopefully it will be a suburb!

5. Drink
Usually Lipton green tea and water...but I do have my soda cheat days on the weekend. Sad thing is I had quit cold turkey for 6 months last year - I really should do that again!

6. Music
I LOVE music - not sure why so much. No one in my family has been very "musical." But then again, none of them were really athletes either - I can't believe I'm not adopted... Anyway, give me a little of everything except the 80's retro weird crap (as you can see from the previous post). My favs: 90's-00's rock, anything with a bit of a folk/bluegrass/acoustic feel - stuff with more than 3 chords and repetitive lyrics that are not well thought out or stolen.

7. TV Series

The Office and Hell's Kitchen. Anything not involving the current politics!

8. Film
I really don't watch TV much, and even more so, films/movies... "Fried Green Tomatoes" and "Land Before Time" made me cry multiple times - come on, he licked his own shadow!

9. Workout

I'm so up and down. I try to run at least 15 miles a week - anything else is pretty sporadic these days. I plan to start the P90X series...someday.

10. Pastries

Not a big "pastry fan" - who came up with "pastries?" It's not like at (10) they had used everything else that comes to the common mind! Does blueberry muffins count - they are about 600 calories too!

11. Coffee
Please don't even make me smell it! I'm not kidding; in fact, we have two coffee pots. One for coffee and one to brew my green tea - they cannot share!

I tag Kris - and anyone else who is actually reading this who hasn't done it already.

1 comment:

cls said...

You don't like the smell of coffee???? Can we still be friends after such a bold statement?!