Saturday, March 1, 2008

Shatze Wants to be a Chef...

Last night Kris and I got home after about 11pm and as we walked up to the door Kris said, "I think I'm gonna go straight to bed - I'm pretty tired." I replied, "Yeah, me too."

Little did we know that while we were gone (about 5 hours), Shatze decided to whip up a little something in the kitchen. She decided to use everything on the third shelf...2 boxes of hot chocolate mix, a couple of boxes of apple cider, a bag of brownie mix, some pasta shells and crackers... Unfortunately, we got home too late to take part in the majority of the festivities and just got the left overs - and she left the mess for us to clean up too...
(The view of the dining room as we walked in.)

(Shatze and Roxy ate most all of the chocolate, but apparantly didn't take too
well the the tart taste of the apple cider.)

(Roxy's bed covered in chocolate footprints and hot chocolate foil packaging.)

(Obviously knows she's in trouble, and yet still trying to hide some evidence.)

(The kitchen floor covered in chocolate, dog slobber, and dog prints.)

(You can imagine our thoughts at 11pm...)

(The clean up sweep - you can see none of the chocolate powder was left [or came off the floor] and she ate all the wheat thins. Isn't this like drinking a diet coke with a double cheeseburger and chili fries?)

(The survivors: a few crackers, apple cider, one brownie mix,
and lemon-poppy seed muffin mix...)

Shatze has not done this in a long time...and never this big. And Roxy - her whiskers were completely covered in chocolate. Yes, we know dogs are allergic to chocolate... Shatze probably lost a few braincells considering she ate an entire large bag of miniature Reese's PB Cups a couple of years ago and just left me the foil. Roxy spent the evening throwing it up and then slept in her kennel. Shatze was quite proud of herself but has been regretting it a bit today as she's been really thirsty and trying to take a solid dump...

And to make matters worse, Shatze ate a pair of underwear the previous day (why she was locked downstairs) - just because she was bored.

We can't give her toys because she destroys and eats them in record time - including Kongs... And now, she's sucking on her hip...(refer to previous pet post).


Tonya said...

OH my WORD!! I know it's not funny...but....the way you wrote it....I was cracking up!!! You know, if DJ ate that much chocolate he would croak. I hope it all comes off the floor! Ah, the joy of pets!

On the Road Again said...

I would be sorely dissapointed if you do not consider writing as a profession. From the title of your blog to the content of your entries. You are a gifted young lady. Maggie

cls said...

Oh my goodness! What a mess!!!! I would be absolutely livid. I hope they get to feeling better, though....buttheads.

amber said...

It was irritating for the first minute we looked at it. And then it was kinda funny (Shatze hiding stuff and Roxy covered in chocolate) until we saw the kitchen floor - then it was irritating again...

We swept and then left the chocolate floor for the next morning - to which Kris scrubbed for an hour before I even woke up... I owe her big!