I apparently had some form of a cyst or something that formed on the tendon of my middle finger - in the palm of my hand. They originally thought it was "Trigger Finger," but alas after surgery, they think it might have just been a weird cystic knot. Who knows?
I thought it would go away, but it didn't and the entire tendon was sore to touch, it was hard to open my hand all the way, or put my hand down flat on anything. Yea for being currently insured!
See the weird knot under my middle finger? Never mind the pen marks on my hand I seem to come home from work with everyday?.?.?
Girl, you need some lotion on that hand. see how dry it is? Ask Reana, she can line you up with something you will like.
Kris, did your mom just ask me "if I've ever tried lo-tion?" (lol)
New blog up - you'll never believe it, I know. But it's true.
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